By f*ckingdisgusted - 27/08/2011 01:13 - United States

Today, I was installing updates on my 16 year old daughter's laptop, when I got the urge to snoop around. I found a 5,000 word sex story involving her and the Edward and Jacob weirdos from the Twilight movies. I can't even look her in the eyes. I can't believe I raised this freak. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 690
You deserved it 56 787

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lol! Don't go snoop around her stuff! But that is weird...


Whatever it is you should not call her a freak at least! Sex story is nothing, everyone does sex whether it is sooner or later! Plus just have a look at your own life when you were at her age you also must had sex and some other stuff! So don't forget about your time :-) And yeah your life sucks!

OhLohd111 11

Yeah! Everyone has sex eventually! What do you think Pope?

MsMeiriona 2

Hey Newton, this FML poster doesn't believe you died a virgin!

A teenage girl that is into twilight? No friggen' way...

Since she's 16, there's probably a good chance she frequents this site. Since you're not a real man or a good father, you probably didn't tell her what you found when she trusted you to help her. So now your poor child gets to be humiliated on the world wide web AND find out her father is an assbutt (assuming she didn't already know this). FHL for being raised by such a winner. I hope she at least has one good parent in her life.

Gee chill. it's not like he mentioned her name...

78 - True, but most people don't write 5000 word long fan-fiction erotic novels.. Or at least I hope not.

CyNommy 4

It may be the fact that I'm tired, but I love how sarcastic this is.

I never said anything about her "story". But when I read #72 comment it sounded like she was complaining about him posting this on FML, in order to embarrass her. But it's not like he caps locked her name & threw pictures of her online so I don't think it's necessary to call him a bad father :| Although, snooping isn't really looked up to, OP ;D

Nope, I'm still sticking with the bad father idea. I don't care if he wrote her name or not. He snooped on her computer and called her a freak. Twilight is every teenage girl's dream life. Who cares? Sounds like something my douchebag of a dad would do and he IS a bad father.

Although i'm 16 and against anything, dare I say, twilight (shudders) its great that your daughter has an intrest in writing, 5000 words awesome, I support fanfiction, but what a very creepy story. Also your her parent, calling your daughter a freak is extreme for a parent, same thing for snooping on her computer, ever heard of invasion of privacy sorry but YDI freak

I highly doubt a 16 year old girl bought her own laptop. He bought it, if she doesn't like that he monitors what she does she can buy her own and go mooch off someone else's house and food.

This whole "privacy" thing must be some newfangled concept. Could you please explain it? Honestly, any parent who *isn't* keeping track of their child is probably a bad parent. I believe there should be limits and such, but a child's room shouldn't be a "DANGER DO NOT ENTER" zone. |the kid|

129 - Some 16 year olds actually buy their own laptops with their OWN money. I know I did with babysitting money. Why? So I would have my privacy and have full ownership on it.

281- Then you're retarded, privacy is a right, and until you turn 18, you have no rights. Buying a laptop so you can have privacy is stupid. The fourth amendment does't apply to a 16 yr old.

blahahahaSadFace 0

no your not alone. there are plenty of us it's just there are still more closed minded people, then open minded and understanding people.

#617- "privacy is a right, and until you turn 18, you have no rights. Buying a laptop so you can have privacy is stupid. The fourth amendment does't apply to a 16 yr old" Really? Thanks for making us teens feel unimportant and not eligible for rights. Hey while you're at it, why dont you round up all us teens and send us to a work camp and treat us all like slaves since we all have no rights. dick

Shelbersania 0

There's this thing you can do on a document. It's called word count. Counts the words for you, geeze come on.

Well that oughta teach you to mind your own business

I bet you read the whole thing! First she is 16 and probably curious about sex. Second you should be happy that she was not talking about real people therefore it's more than likely just fantasy. Lastly a freak is not someone who fantasizes about sex with fictional characters specially sexy ones.

gigglezlette 0

honestly you shouldnt be snooping through her things. i personally find that very wrong. i understand its your daughter but considering its HER computer thats her personal things. you wouldnt want her snooping through your stuff would you.? and to call her a freak.? you should be ashamed. shes being a typical teenager. alot of teenagers write stuff like that.

Yeah, the freak thing is just a tad bit overboard. I mean, it's his/her child.