By Tor - 21/04/2009 00:11 - United States

Today, I was in class and felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I began to scream and cry because the pain was horrible, so the teacher called 911. After being rushed to the hospital, I was told that "I had gas cramps and would be fine." My whole class was listening on speakerphone to make sure I was ok. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 806
You deserved it 12 954

Same thing different taste

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I've had those pains before...they come on all of a sudden and HURT LIKE HELL, and I went to the hospital for them, but it turns out they were just cramps. You really never know, what if it was appendicitis or something? But really, those sharp cramps can hurt...anyone calling BS has obviously never had this happen to them. You literally can't stand up or move your stomach in any way or it will feel like you just got stabbed. I think things like acid reflux can make them even worse. So to the OP, FYL, I'm sorry this happened while your class was listening, and I feel your pain :(.

I've had some really bad gas cramps but screaming and crying? Suck it up. And who cares if the class was listening on speakerphone? They would have found out one way or another. At least they found out while you weren't there. But I guess even that was too much for you. You're a wuss all-around!


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try having crohns since you were 7. worse than period cramps and every ******* day. ydi for being a little pussy

Idonebeenhad 17

Sorry you have to live with that 111, not to sound crude or anything, but in your case it's different since you're used to it

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peace7love2FML 0

how does he Deserve it? gas pains can be extrememley painful!! (well I wouldn't go to the hospital for it lol) but still...?

my frond little sister had gas cramps so bad she said it hurt to breath. so. ya. oh and she was in the hospital for two days

stupid spell check it was friend not frond

Yeah. Gas pains reeeeeealy suck. It's not hard to believe someone thought they were a medical emergency because the pain resembles the symptoms of much, much worse things.

skyttlz 32

sometimes for me it hurts so bad I can't walk or eat

I've been beaten, broke bones, had terrible kidney stones, etc, and still the worst pain I've ever had was gas pain. Sometimes it's so bad I can't walk and I vomit from the pain. You're lucky you've never experienced it.

derpina72 23

In my case, I can honestly say my gas pain isn't that bad to my mestrual cramps, but if I really really had to decide the worse pain I've ever experienced has been, I'd say tooth pain (depending on what's going on). even my mother in law, who had 3 natural, nonmedicated childbirths, she says tooth pain is way worse and very aggitating.

ffpoisongirl 0

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KeithHarris 0

Well now the class can think of nicknames for you. Like Gassy Noles, Madame FartsAlot. Stankasaurus. Tootie.... okay maybe tootie is a stretch.

I've had some really bad gas cramps but screaming and crying? Suck it up. And who cares if the class was listening on speakerphone? They would have found out one way or another. At least they found out while you weren't there. But I guess even that was too much for you. You're a wuss all-around!

We have a medical term for these people. FOS means full of ...

djqlue 0

I've had those pains before...they come on all of a sudden and HURT LIKE HELL, and I went to the hospital for them, but it turns out they were just cramps. You really never know, what if it was appendicitis or something? But really, those sharp cramps can hurt...anyone calling BS has obviously never had this happen to them. You literally can't stand up or move your stomach in any way or it will feel like you just got stabbed. I think things like acid reflux can make them even worse. So to the OP, FYL, I'm sorry this happened while your class was listening, and I feel your pain :(.

I've cramps quite regularly due to my irritable bowel syndrome. Last summer I had what I thought were rather mild cramps for about two weeks. After a visit to the doctor's (just to make sure) it turned out I had a very bad case of appendicitis and had surgery the same day. OP did the right thing, having it checked out.

I get the gas cramps whenever I'm on my period... So on top of being uncomfortable and already in pain, whenever I do manage to get my period cramps under control, I STILL double over from gas cramps every once in a while. It sucks.

any girl who PMS's can relate to this.