By Anonymous - 21/04/2009 00:41 - United States

Today, I work for the local fire department. I had a long call and I was hot and sweaty. I decided to skinny dip in my pool because it was still dark out. Everything went great untill my flood light went on and my dad ran out with a bat. I got smacked in the side with a baseball bat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 934
You deserved it 6 545

Same thing different taste

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Today, I was laying there, resting at night, when a very sweaty firefighter jumped on me, without showering first. I'm a pool. Yuck. FML

I'm assuming this is a male posting? #2 You seen the state of the economy, there is alot of folk who are still living with their parents!


thats when you're supposed to opt for the shower... couldn't have taken that much extra time

KeithHarris 0

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LeadTheWay 5

I'm assuming this is a male posting? #2 You seen the state of the economy, there is alot of folk who are still living with their parents!

And I knew some people in high school who were volunteer firefighters.

I hope your dad is senile and you're taking care of him. Apparantly if a flood light freaks him out, this may actually be the case. You work for the fire department, you should make enough to have your own place.

Jcsati8 0

Your dad just hit a grand slam!

#2 and#4, oi! Whatever works for people who can't fork over hundreds of thousands of dollars for a house or don't want to tell their souls to unreliable banks for loans and what-have-you! No shame in living under your folks' roof until you're truly ready for your own place. Best you coulda done is either inform your folks you were gonna cool off in that matter, or just take an ice-cold shower like a civilized man.

so_me_fml 0

...if the flood light came on, shouldn't your dad have seen it was you, and not someone he wanted to beat with his bat?

What if he wanted to beat OP with a bat?

They can rent. They can do lots of things. If he were working fast food, I'd understand. But from what I've heard, the Fire Dept usually pays a very livable wage. There's no good reason to stay at home in that circumstance unless you take care of your parents or you leech from them.

da_page09 0

you could be saving up for a large down payment on a house. being a responsible adult

The light came on and he still swung? Maybe he wants you out...

Oh...ouch. Maybe you should warn your dad next time???