By MID12 - 23/03/2009 17:22 - United States

Today, I was having sex with my girlfriend of nine months when she gets a phone call and decides to answer it. It was her fiancé that I knew nothing about. She told me she was engaged while I was still inside of her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 117 652
You deserved it 8 720

Same thing different taste


I mean it sucks for you that she didn't tell you but hey, you're drinking another dude's milkshake free of charge-- he's the one dumb enough to marry her (probably bought a huge ring you've never seen). I say you do all the shit girls don't do with their husbands.

Vagabones 0

You should have at least finished. I mean, you're already in her right? At least get something out of this misadventure.

uhnonnuhmus 0

If I had that happen while a guy was doing that to me, I'd just use perhaps the best line EVER from a movie to say to someone who's having sex with you: "That'll do, pig, that'll do."

#2 never try to be witty ever again please #17 LMAO

effthis 0

#2 wtf? that was random and stupid.. u shudve yelled im cumming or better yet, get her pregnant and see how her fiance will like that