By Alanis - 21/07/2012 01:59 - United States

Today, I confessed to my co-worker that I've secretly loved him for months. He laughed hysterically for about a minute straight before shaking his head and excusing himself from the store. Even the fact that my boss fired him for leaving early isn't cheering me up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 463
You deserved it 4 053

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Laughing on his part was wrong. But really, why are people confessing love to coworkers especially if they are unsure if the feelings are mutual. It puts both of you in a real awkward position. IMO, telling someone you like them or asking them on a casual date is way more appropriate then confessing love. That comes off real intense and many people don't know how to react.

keep your head up! He obviously wasn't for you!


keep your head up! He obviously wasn't for you!

Maybe his new replacement at the store will be nicer and more worthy of your affections :)

DreBeezy 9

Well damn, he could've at least saved himself from being an asshat and at least respect your feelings and just have turned you down gently. Jeez, people just don't know how not to be an asshole these days.

You are most likely talking about the Colorado theater shooting, in which case, **** you and your sick jokes.

#60. What the **** is wrong with you! Would you be saying that if your brother or mom died in there? ******* prick, go get raped by a gorilla.

CCDNRGD81411 3

She shouldnt have just dived right into it. You have to lead the horse to the water. Prior dates with him could gave avoided this nonsense

71 - He doesn't seem to interested to go out with her anyway, but I agree with you; she should have at least tried to check if he's interested before making such a big confession. The co-worker is an asshole though, and could have turned her down in a much nicer way.

Who knows? Maybe the reason he wasn't for op is because he is -in homer simpson's words- a "homer sexual" that could explain his hysterical laughter

Maybe he's the guy who just had a nacho cheese Dorito milkshake? If so, he got his karma!

katiedoll6 7

Ya the guy who said he really fancied me is now going out with my (ex)best friend after she saying she hates him. FML FML **** my life

ragingstorm12 4

What a bastard. I'm sorry. Hope you feel better. :/

skullofdarkness 18

Girls are the same way- for over a year, whenever I've asked a girl for her number, the only reaction I've gotten was the girl i was asking doubling over laughing. Every ******* time. -_-

unknown_user5566 26

43- Damn, talk about perseverance. Hopefully now you've realized if that is how a girl reacts to you, every single time, that you should move on to someone who reciprocates your feelings. I am sorry you had to deal with that though. That must have been tough.

unknown_user5566 26

Okay, someone please come find me and punch the stupidity out of me. Sorry, 43, I read that as you asked the same girl for her number over and over for a year straight.

Nah, it's ok. I for one enjoyed your story and I'm happy for you. Congratulations! :D

Your boss fired him for leaving early? Oh my...

unknown_user5566 26

I thought that was a bit extreme, too! I mean I've been lectured about leaving early before, but nothing this drastic. Maybe OP's boss is secretly in love with her, and was just so pissed at that guy for being dumb enough to turn her down, that he fired him? ;)

CCDNRGD81411 3

27- i doubt her boss is dumb enough to risk his job for her.that job means food and bill money.

unknown_user5566 26

72- I was joking. I thought I made that clear by using a random, outlandish, hypothetical situation, but I guess not.

Kyleekay - it's ok, some people just aren't at the same level as the rest of us.

It sucks he laughed. Nobody should ever laugh at your feelings. Ever. I'm sorry :(

Right? Even if I hated OP's ass I would never ever laugh at someone opening up about they're feelings for you. It's cold, rude, and pretty much the worst thing you could do in the situation.

**** I wish someone would come up to me and share their feelings. Sharing is caring!!

Ahh poor OP. cheer up he obviously wasn't as good as you thought. Now you know the real him and saved yourself from dating the wrong guy.

There's probably a reason he dosn't have feelings for you...

While that may be the case, he should have been more aware of her feelings. Looking down on someone's feelings like that is just the worst.

You don't deserve a jerk like that then. There is someone else that's special out there waiting for you :)

He did deserve getting fired, but hey, cheer up, you'll find someone who will love you, I mean it.

A100893 30

If he's going to handle the situation that way, he was never worth your time in the first place. Someone much better will come your way, someday.

Laughing on his part was wrong. But really, why are people confessing love to coworkers especially if they are unsure if the feelings are mutual. It puts both of you in a real awkward position. IMO, telling someone you like them or asking them on a casual date is way more appropriate then confessing love. That comes off real intense and many people don't know how to react.

I agree, completely. Telling him something like that at work is not the right time or the place. OP, if you ever find yourself secretly in love with someone again, ask them out for coffee, then dinner, then see where things go from there. You'll be a lot more likely to get a positive response if you've been dating the person for a while.

unknown_user5566 26

My thoughts exactly. I should have read the comments first before posting mine, because this is what mine says (more or less). It's also strange to me that OP jumped straight to the "So, I'm totally in love with you" stage without even dating him casually first. It's a bit creepy, actually.

I agree. And he might've laughed because it was awkward, not because he's a jerk. I would feel extremely uncomfortable if a coworker told me out of the blue while at work that he/she was in love with me. It's inappropriate and a bit creepy. Also, love, OP? I doubt it. How well do you even know this person? I would never be happy if someone I love was fired, regardless of his actions, due to my creating an awkward situation. People need to stop reaching for the top shelf for words. You couldn't have just said intetested or attracted, huh? Next time, start small and don't make your place of employment uncomfortable for yourself or others.

lelo007 11

Poor thing, time to pick up and move on! It's best not to date co-workers, anyways.