By taylor w - 31/10/2014 02:32 - United States

Today, I found out the guy I've been dating for 5 months is engaged to his girlfriend of 3 years. I found out as we were talking, waiting for him to come outside after work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 701
You deserved it 3 538

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If she hasn't done so herself, I suggest the both of you dump his ass.

Man.. he shoulda learned you keep your hoes in different area codes! [kidding, of course... I hope you BOTH dumped him!!]


If she hasn't done so herself, I suggest the both of you dump his ass.

Instead of dumping, she could try ederacinism.

I think dumping is probably the best solution. Judging by your comments downvotes

incoherentrmblr 21

omg OP do you live in Denver? A distant relation of mine just got engaged to her boyfriend of 3 years knowing hes had someone on the side for months. We have been trying to tell her how stupid shes being but she wont listen. If its you I could use your help, help stop her from ruining her life! I honestly think he just wants a green card and will dump her once hes got what he wants.

Man.. he shoulda learned you keep your hoes in different area codes! [kidding, of course... I hope you BOTH dumped him!!]

OP dump is sorry ass! I feel bad for you and the other girl! At least you only wasted 5 months! Poor girl wasted 3 years with that bastard!

Atleast you found out before you got engaged as well. I'm sorry he's cheating though.

BasedComment 15

Better to know rather than never.

Better late than never, but never late is better

Lol, they couldn't have got engaged if he already was.

But will he think it doesn't count as cheating because she's bisexual?

Don't know why they got thumbs down. We often make other FML references. Smh

Right, our social protocol allows that kind of cross-reference

He's safe. There was a banana involved, therefore is innocent by proxy .

Please tell me that both of you agreed to kick his nuts at that moment!!!

dump him. its a good thing you found out.

Feel so bad for you but now making me wonder. Today is my 3 year Anniversart and I am engaged with my boyfriend. Is his name Michael Davis??

Possibly. Were you with op earlier waiting for your fiance to come out of work, where you guys simultaneously realized that he's been two timing the both of you? If not, I think you're safe.

Your profile says you're 17. I don't think you are actually engaged..

Ahhh, so pet peeve moment, but if you become engaged to your boyfriend he is then your fiancé not your boyfriend.

Seriously?!? Engaged for 3 years? If first you practice to deceive . . . at least learn to do so convincingly.

britnie95 0

I think she meant that they were dating for 3 years and got engaged lol

Atleast you found out before the 3 year mark. he's a scumbag