By MID12 - 23/03/2009 17:22 - United States

Today, I was having sex with my girlfriend of nine months when she gets a phone call and decides to answer it. It was her fiancé that I knew nothing about. She told me she was engaged while I was still inside of her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 117 652
You deserved it 8 720

Same thing different taste


You should have pulled out and squirted her in the eye.

Ron_fml 0

I hope you got her pregnant for vengence

I concur #7! and #19! #16: he said he was inside her when his dick was inside her ******. if you didn't figure that out for realz, then do what 19 said and get off the site. come back in 10 years. and to OP: duuude that sucks. call her fiancee man. and do it quick! and send that letter that someone else posted.

Dude... unless you have a problem with consistent sex, wait til they're married to tell the fiancé :) she's engaged, still having sex with you... "don't fix it if it ain't broke"

You should have gone at it like crazy while she was on the phone so she'd at least make some noises to give away what was going on.

I would agree with #27, you should've made her make noises or you should've made noises.

True story: There was a guy in my dorm that was having sex with this girl. Her boyfriend called while he was inside her. He answered the phone and said, "She'll call you back."

To #24, lol yeah.. there are certainly no repercussions for that one.

#2. FYL OP, that sucks. How did you not see the signs? But still. FYL hxc.