By MID12 - 23/03/2009 17:22 - United States

Today, I was having sex with my girlfriend of nine months when she gets a phone call and decides to answer it. It was her fiancé that I knew nothing about. She told me she was engaged while I was still inside of her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 117 652
You deserved it 8 720

Same thing different taste


eh. atleast she told you before you guys got so serious that YOU went out and bought an engagement ring for her. ahaha. wouldn't that be something.

TheNameless_fml 0

nut in her face then call da finance n tell em da story

LMAO, thats when you scream while she's on the phone, "Oh yeah baby you like that?" or something else like that. Her fiance would find out, get pissed, and call off the engagement cause she was cheating on him.

greatnt249 0

I don't care if you're a woman; that's just creepy, #68.

Its okay. Maybe her fiance is #2 he watches spongebob instead of getting any you WERE her bitch. Congrats.

WHAT DID #2 SAY? Lol i'm dying to know too

:,( wat a bitch. Definately tell her fiance. Thats horrible. X(

everyone on the bottom of this page. #2 said something like this "how did she get inside of you? She mustve been really teeny like that one episode in spongebob where sandy shrinks spongebob and patrick so they can get inside of squidward". Epic fail.