By MID12 - 23/03/2009 17:22 - United States

Today, I was having sex with my girlfriend of nine months when she gets a phone call and decides to answer it. It was her fiancé that I knew nothing about. She told me she was engaged while I was still inside of her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 117 652
You deserved it 8 720

Same thing different taste


kellster 2

#83: right, because no man would ever pull any kind of shit like that ever, would he. **** you.

As someone who is getting married in a month and a half, I am completely disgusted by the girl in this FML. What the hell is wrong with this bitch that she is ******* someone else while she is ENGAGED?! I mean, what is she doing getting married?! She obviously doesn't give a shit about anyone but herself! To the OP, I'm so sorry! What a shitty thing to find out, and the way you found out was even worse! You should let her fiancee know for two reasons: 1- The poor bastard obviously has no clue and needs to know-- yes, this is a FML for you, but its also a MAJOR FML for him too! 2- She doesn't deserve to be with either of you two... you both need to kick her ass to the curb!

wow number 68. i can tell you like it daily.

bigcrazymike 6

Blackmail her into making a sextape...then send it to her fiance.

ashley_rogers08 0

im sorry to hear this.. i had a semi similiar situation.. i was dating a guy, later to find out he had a fiance. except he never told me about it. he did tell me he had a kid n that his baby mama USED to live with him. so when i would go to his house, that was his excuse for the girl shit. he said she just hasnt picked it up yet. i know i wasnt incredibly smart about the situation.. but he was a GOOD liar. ugh. why the hell are these people WITH finaces cheating? if you tell someone you are going to spend the rest of your life with them, DONT CHEAT! if you feel like you have to cheat, you dont really love the one your engaged with and you should end things before you decide to get in someone elses pants. but i guess, technically, i wasnt even the one that got cheated on. he was with her before he was with me. so i was unknowingly the sideline ho. fml.

Dude that sucks, but I do not get how she could be engaged without you atleast being suspicious

Have sex with her again and while you're doing it, take photos and then post a copy to her parents and her finances parents ;D

Heh, assrape her, that'll teach 'em! :)


id take the phone and call that dude back be like your girl if doing other men u really wanna marry a nasty *****.

It would be even more f-ed up if her fiance and her agreed on waiting to have sex until there married...but then she's out f***ing you o.O who knows...that is horrible though... If I were you I would totally tell the guy that his fiancee is cheating on him...before he spends even more money on a wedding band and a wedding... But I can't helpt but wonder how you were just the guy she cheated with, for NINE months?! Do you guys spend that little time together? Because I'm guessing her fiance would have gotten suspicious if she hadn't been spending lots of time with him....