By anonymous - 08/12/2011 10:37 - United States

Today, I was having sex with my boyfriend. As soon as I began to climax, he started repeatedly asking, "Are you done? Are you done yet? Are you done?" Well, NOW I am. Thanks, honey. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 141
You deserved it 4 288

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm speaking for many women here, but at least you get to reach CLOSE to an ******...

Wow, what a generous guy. I bet he also offers to finish your fries before you're done with them. You know, out of the goodness of his heart.


WadeWilson_fml 6

-_- this is a fml? Big ******* deal

Well she has no where to go....... But it's obviously going to be awkward

iBiteRoses 22

LOL you live 1 state away from me I bet I know who you were having sex with

I never finish without her! It's not satisfying ever to cum without my girl!

Maybe you should start cumming loudly like a **** star. Then there would be no question about your state of mind. Subtlety is overrated.

i want to say at least he asked? it is hard to find man who ask about satisfaction these days.....

Next time just keep asking him "what's taking you so long, huh? What's taking you so long?"

My boyfriend used to do that all the time x.x