By BARF - 27/04/2009 13:51 - United States

Today, I was having cybersex via webcam with my boyfriend. Trying to be as sexy as I could, I started sucking on my finger. Judging by the look on my boyfriend's face, he was getting really into it. As I started getting into it too, I shoved my finger too far down and puked all over my laptop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 543
You deserved it 130 348

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pancakes_n_syrup 0

YDI for not knowing your limits

lyndis_fml 0

You must give terrible blow jobs if you can't even stick a whole finger in your mouth without vomiting.


fallingforever_fml 0

you . fail . YDI !!!! Good luck tryin to give good head ^_~ . Dont even DARE think about deep throating . and #206 XXDD i know . shane dawson is funny .

amazingkate 0

this would be epic fail FML if he got off on that too.

123sploosh 0

what the **** does that mean you douchebag?

That sucks, you should see if he'll get you a new one. I'm thinking a ToughBook.

I wanna see that on ur bfs screen in slowmo

minenotyours 0

well it sounds like more than one thing was turned off hahahaha

I'm not even kidding I just shit my pants laughing