By mammamia - 27/04/2009 12:54 - United States

Today, in a big argument, my sister uninvited my mom to her wedding. Trying to comfort my mom, I rented Mamma Mia knowing she's wanted to see it for a while. Turns out, Mamma Mia is a mother/daughter feel-good about the daughters wedding. I had no idea, and my mom cried the whole movie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 366
You deserved it 71 440

Same thing different taste

Top comments

F your sister's life. She'll regret that one day. You did your bes... .except that maybe you should have read the back of the box.


Read the back of the box! Who rents a movie without checking whats it's about?

all she thought she needed to know was that her mom had been wanting to see it, it's not like she rented some random movie

F your sister's life. She'll regret that one day. You did your bes... .except that maybe you should have read the back of the box.

mrhahn530 0
crazy_bananas 31

Damn it you guys it's suppose to be, "My sentiments exactly". It's a line from the movie, Sam Carmichael played by Pierce Brosnan says it twice.

Hahahahahahahaha Also, I have a raging clue.

LOL!!!! Dude, you invited that one. You should always read into the movie to make sure it's a good one to bring up the conversation in which your intending to talk about.

Did you really not watch the previews/read the back of the box? It's even obvious on the front cover.

fatfaceunited 0

Why did you continue watching the movie? Once you got an idea about what is about in the first 10 minutes you should have watched something happier.

Nice that you try to comfort your mom. DUR that all the Mamma Mia ads show her in a wedding dress?

Hummingbird114 0

Really?, really? It's a tony award winning musical! There were previews playing every five minutes on tv for like 4 months! ...or at least you could have read the back of the box. EPIC FAIL