By HBCruiser - 14/07/2019 02:30

Today, I’m sitting in my living room, smelling onions frying. My house is all closed up. I’m not cooking anything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 496
You deserved it 173

Same thing different taste

Top comments

samomaha 17

You know, they say that smelling odors that are not there is one symptom of schizophrenia . . .


Could be blocked drains, or some kind of chemicals causing it.

samomaha 17

You know, they say that smelling odors that are not there is one symptom of schizophrenia . . .

AlienPickle 10

Time to exercise. Not you, the house.

Nolimets 12

Maybe that’s the problem , open a window or something

If you're careless when you cook onions (ie no ventilation, no closing room &/or closet doors) the smell can soak into everything, couch, curtains, clothes in the closet, and then in hot, humid weather the stink kinda gets steamed back out. My screen porch was used by smokers til about 5y ago when we (nonsmoking) moved in & scoured it clean. But yesterday I was smelling cigs out there because we're in a beastly spell of humid heat.

Could be a refrigerant leak from the fridge - we once had that and it smelt like garlic and onions