By fjafja - 07/03/2009 06:34 - Canada

Today, I was having a one night stand with a guy. He told me he wanted to do it doggie style, I said okay, and as soon as I bent over on the bed, looked at me and said, "Let's do this with the lights off". FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 619
You deserved it 13 328

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ButtFaceFace 1

Having sex with strangers is also a great way to get STDs.

dont call her a *****, a girl is a ***** for ******* a lot of guys but a man is cool and a playa for ******* lots of girls, which doesnt make sense, just leave her alone


i dont see the problem... lights off is the default/norm and doggy style is a good position... doesnt mean your ugly necessarily

whats wrong doing it with the lights off.

jessidawn 0

This was in the Miscell anus section right

littlejew 0

you have a hairy asshole! ewwwww they make waxing kits and razors for a reason

ericFKNspangler 0

You deserved this. Clean up a bit, and maybe gain a bit of self respect. He degraded you verbally and obviously emotionally because you're whining about it. Yet, I'd bet money that you still finished, because you're cheap and probably get used a lot. You deserve no sympathy for being trashy...

You deserve it for having sex with people you don't know.

ataygarp 8

gotta arch that back girl!!!