By fjafja - 07/03/2009 06:34 - Canada

Today, I was having a one night stand with a guy. He told me he wanted to do it doggie style, I said okay, and as soon as I bent over on the bed, looked at me and said, "Let's do this with the lights off". FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 619
You deserved it 13 328

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ButtFaceFace 1

Having sex with strangers is also a great way to get STDs.

dont call her a *****, a girl is a ***** for ******* a lot of guys but a man is cool and a playa for ******* lots of girls, which doesnt make sense, just leave her alone


you're not a *****, you're a ****. you weren't getting paid -_- and men are ***** too, and either way you're disgusting if you're just swapping bodily fluids with whoever the hell you want. aaaand, be glad he went through with it, ugly.

Hahahaha! Nice one!. Next time, shave it and clean it.

There are some bitter people on this site!

snkybstrd 0

One night stand? Deserved it

Feel_It 0

In all seriousness, maybe you need to clean up the back yard. You could have had something er... hanging. :X

you're probably ass ugly so you're desperate for sex, and you seize the few opportunities that come your way. since your're so ugly he wanted you to turn around so he didnt have to look at your disgusting face, but then he noticed your saggy ass so he had you turn off the lights. good thing he didnt notice your craps infested bush. and #5, if she had any self respect, she wouldnt have even had a one night stand in the first place.

i love these comments.. now let me help explain this to everyone 1. Yes, she IS a *****. It doesn't matter that she only had one 1 night stand, the fact is that it happened. That's disgusting no matter how many times it happened. 2. It doesn't matter what sex she is. Anyone who has a one night stand is ****** up in several ways. The only difference is, there's more fun words to make fun of a girl, so I only comment when a girl is being a *****. These words include but aren't limited to: *****, ****, ho, and you can add "bag" to the end of any of these to make them sound even better :-D 3. In the extremely rare case that you actually end up with someone, instead of just having one nights stands, you should probably clean up whatever's wrong with you. In this case it seems like everything. I would suggest a bag, but apparently your ass is ****** up too. You're what we call a double bagger.. That's when the guy puts a bag over your head, and then another one over his head in case yours rips. Hopefully I cleared that up for everyone. Stupid *****

Shalalalalala 0

Nothing that begins with 'Today, I was having a one night stand' deserves any sympathy. LOL at 42 though.

#43.... #42 was quoting what i said.. unfortunately it got moderated :-(

and that, is why you don't do one night stands, genius.