Hangover blues

By VibeCheck - 10/03/2020 07:57

Today, I woke up hungover and went to the kitchen for some food. I saw what I thought was a blueberry muffin. Halfway through eating it, I realized I couldn’t taste any blueberries, so I tried another one. I then remembered my dad telling me to throw out any old food we had. It was mould. FML
I agree, your life sucks 552
You deserved it 1 823

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For the next time; cooked blueberries are more purple than blue, they are darker than mold and they are not fuzzy!

YDI on so many levels. One for getting that drunk, two for not doing what your dad told you to do (as in getting rid of old food), and three for continuing to eat something that obviously didn't taste right.


You should have powered through and finished them off. If you believed strongly enough you'd taste blueberries, then you'd taste them. Hey, you're going to be puking soon anyways.

For the next time; cooked blueberries are more purple than blue, they are darker than mold and they are not fuzzy!

YDI on so many levels. One for getting that drunk, two for not doing what your dad told you to do (as in getting rid of old food), and three for continuing to eat something that obviously didn't taste right.