Keep your distance

By Oddy - 17/11/2020 05:02 - Italy

Today, I travelled by myself for the first time. I was seated next to a middle-aged man who was trying to convince me that I was his soulmate, kept touching my face and sniffing me. I'm 19 and it was a 6 hour flight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 263
You deserved it 86

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell a flight attendant next time. They’ll take care of it quickly.

Sady_Ct 37

Yep, definitely would have said something to the flight/travel attendants, that kind of behaviour is not okay.


Tell a flight attendant next time. They’ll take care of it quickly.

Did no one tell you that's pretty normal for air travel? How am I supposed to know if you're a soulmate without smelling you? The nose knows. If a middle-aged man says you're his soulmate, he's wise and probably right, so go with him and enjoy a beautiful life.

Clearly OP was uncomfortable with him touching her. Doesn’t matter if its a soulmate or not. There is a boundary for that and she never gave consent to be touched...or sniffed.

I see. So everyone talks about wanting a soulmate, but no one wants to do the work of being selected. I get it.

Sady_Ct 37

Yep, definitely would have said something to the flight/travel attendants, that kind of behaviour is not okay.

I would've guessed you were seated next to biden with the sniffing part...but he's clearly not middle aged