By fjafja - 07/03/2009 06:34 - Canada

Today, I was having a one night stand with a guy. He told me he wanted to do it doggie style, I said okay, and as soon as I bent over on the bed, looked at me and said, "Let's do this with the lights off". FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 619
You deserved it 13 328

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ButtFaceFace 1

Having sex with strangers is also a great way to get STDs.

dont call her a *****, a girl is a ***** for ******* a lot of guys but a man is cool and a playa for ******* lots of girls, which doesnt make sense, just leave her alone


#2, are you a virgin? or a bible banger? or both? anyway, it would have been hard for the guy to have stopped altogether, to be honest. he had his mind set on sex, so a little visual displeasure wasn't gonna be more than a temporary impediment... lol

blahblahblah44 0

why is EVERYONE calling her a ***** for having a one night stand? a lot of pople have. if you have on everynight, then, yes, you are a *****. but once? who cares.

Hey, at least you had some fun.. and I hope your bowels are still intact.

omgg_fml 0

haha wtf if that happened to me i would walk away. but then again, that would never happen to me

Mercer_fml 0

was the sex worth it cause if it sucked u shoulda flipped

Well, this place is full of male chauvinists and BIGOTS, I see...

haha that sucks, but at least he still ****** u?