By tehhotness - 27/03/2009 14:13 - United States

Today, I was going down on my girlfriend when I noticed a hickey near her hip. I said, "wow, last night was crazy, I don't even remember doing that!". Without even interrupting the action, she simply said, "You didn't". FML
I agree, your life sucks 102 805
You deserved it 6 795

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow... she didn't even kinda feel remorseful. Sorry, dude!

she still your girlfriend? wtf is wrong with you! dump her!


Wow... she didn't even kinda feel remorseful. Sorry, dude!

maddieguinn 0

dump her¡!¿,«»§₩)(;°98

she still your girlfriend? wtf is wrong with you! dump her!

breeY0 7

keep her pants and throw that ass out !

T9FTW 20
ellebell 0 least she was honest

whattheeff 0

I hope you stopped right after she said that and dumped her..

maedoc 0

you sure she knew you thought she was your gf? seems like she didnt see you as a very serious thing man

piderman13 0

WOOWW that blows....apparently she enjoys going around doing that too... i would have stood up and walked out...unless its your house then just pick her up and carry her out and set her outside the way she is and lock the door hahahahhaha

Mr Peanut Butter and Rover had a blast last night... Where were you numb nuts?