By ItsGoneForever - 25/11/2016 08:58 - Netherlands

Today, my girlfriend dumped me while taking a walk through a park at night. After that, I had to escort her home as she has an eye condition, and is almost completely blind when dark. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 153
You deserved it 762

ItsGoneForever tells us more.

Hello guys (and probably also girls!), this is OP. I just wanted to explain as to why it was really awkward at the time. I never had any troubles with the escort itself. I became so used to it during our relationship that I even started guiding my mom and friends out of habit. However, she dumped me completely out of the blue. She had doubts about our relationship for more than a month at the time, talked about this with her parents/sisters/friends/etc. Basically, she discussed this with almost everybody around her, except with the one concerning the doubts: me. I personally never felt any doubts, we didn't fight much (just what every healthy couple does now and then :-) ) and my feelings for her never changed. I had even taken her on a 4 day trip to Barcelona (on my expenses) not 2 weeks earlier as a birthdaygift. So when she dumped me while in that park, it felt really unfair, it came as a great shock for me and I also felt some anger towards her which is why guiding her back home was really awkward and something which I didn't really want to do at the time. On the other hand, we didn't fight over it or anything, so it was also obvious for me to stay a true gentleman of course! I had a good talk with her a couple of weeks later and I didn't have strange or sad feelings when I saw her then. Today, it is almost 3 months since the end of our relationship and I feel I am over her. I still talk to her from time to time and we are still nice to eachother (though friends is a big word!).

Top comments

nonsensical 26

I'm sorry for your breakup, that's never easy. While it may have been awkward to walk her home, I think that's the best in a healthy break up--it's a gradual transition to being completely separated. You get to talk to each other or at least be in each other's presence while not being a couple anymore, and your final goodbye is (hopefully) not as heartbreaking because you've already had the shock a few minutes before.


nonsensical 26

I'm sorry for your breakup, that's never easy. While it may have been awkward to walk her home, I think that's the best in a healthy break up--it's a gradual transition to being completely separated. You get to talk to each other or at least be in each other's presence while not being a couple anymore, and your final goodbye is (hopefully) not as heartbreaking because you've already had the shock a few minutes before.

is walking her home really that bad? breaking up sucks, but i can't see how cutting and running and leaving her to walk alone home would be significantly better than walking her home even if she could see well. completing your outing with her post break up can't be much worse than the actual break up

Talis99 26

I want to say what a good man you are in this instance at the very least. You could have left her. Instead you saw her safely home even though she hurt you. I hope you find someone new and good for you soon.

You could have left her there, and you didn't. That speaks hugely of your character- that kind of kindness will take you far.

Unlucky1232 20

i probably would've just left her, but really that just proves how good of a person you are OP

You would leave your blind ex in the park at night with no way of getting home? Dude, no. I feel for OP because I've no doubt how awkward and awful it was, but any halfway decent person would have done that. It takes a real kind of nasty character to leave a disabled person alone at night.

it's not that OP is 'a good man', he's the normal type of person that exists. You're not... you got issues..

Sounds like poor planning on her part. It's an awkward moment she could have avoided by picking a better moment. Good for you sticking with her despite the awkwardness. Who knows what could have happened if you just left her as so many people probably would have.

Hello guys (and probably also girls!), this is OP. I just wanted to explain as to why it was really awkward at the time. I never had any troubles with the escort itself. I became so used to it during our relationship that I even started guiding my mom and friends out of habit. However, she dumped me completely out of the blue. She had doubts about our relationship for more than a month at the time, talked about this with her parents/sisters/friends/etc. Basically, she discussed this with almost everybody around her, except with the one concerning the doubts: me. I personally never felt any doubts, we didn't fight much (just what every healthy couple does now and then :-) ) and my feelings for her never changed. I had even taken her on a 4 day trip to Barcelona (on my expenses) not 2 weeks earlier as a birthdaygift. So when she dumped me while in that park, it felt really unfair, it came as a great shock for me and I also felt some anger towards her which is why guiding her back home was really awkward and something which I didn't really want to do at the time. On the other hand, we didn't fight over it or anything, so it was also obvious for me to stay a true gentleman of course! I had a good talk with her a couple of weeks later and I didn't have strange or sad feelings when I saw her then. Today, it is almost 3 months since the end of our relationship and I feel I am over her. I still talk to her from time to time and we are still nice to eachother (though friends is a big word!).

She lost her romantic feelings for me and just felt friendship and not love anymore. And I thought I had put paragraphs in my reply to make it more readable, but FML seems to have deleted that...

mariri9206 32

FML doesn't allow paragraphs in comments. You use the enter bar to make it look nice but it goes away. Glad that you're on good terms with your ex, though!

i know you don't wanna hear this, but she did well. The trip might've been the 'wake up' she had and felt you more as a friend and such. Better now than down the road tbh.

da_epic_failman 7

Tough luck, bro. Hopefully, your next girlfriend realizes what a gentleman you are. She didn't deserve you.

I feel your pain, OP. My fiancé did this to me back in April. Went from fine one day to "I have things to think about" the next day to him breaking up with me (by text no less). He also threw in that he never really wanted kids (funny how he never brought that up when we were discussing names we liked for future kids, or any other conversation concerning them). He said he had fallen out of love with me months ago, but had only just realized it. I haven't really talked to him, though. I'm still mad :P

You are a good guy to handle this so maturely. She should not have accepted an expensive gift from you (the trip) if she had been having doubts for so long. That was wrong. May you find someone better!

Thanks for reminding men to stay a gentleman even in situations like the one you encountered. Cheers bud!