By xloverin - 14/11/2015 16:23 - Slovakia - Bratislava

Today, I remembered that the concert I bought tickets for over a month in advance was yesterday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 159
You deserved it 12 151

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Were you not excited for it? When I buy tickets, I mark up the date of the concert/event all over my planner, calendar, phone, fridge... And I even call off work and ignore all my responsibilities for that one night.

Get a filofax. Or a phone. And use the calendar.


Naith 14

Always next time right. Next time check the date.

Did you have that nagging feeling of forgetting something all yesterday and it only hit you the day after? That ***** the woooorrrrsssttttt.

Get a filofax. Or a phone. And use the calendar.

Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away..

Were you not excited for it? When I buy tickets, I mark up the date of the concert/event all over my planner, calendar, phone, fridge... And I even call off work and ignore all my responsibilities for that one night.

If this truly was from this week, people had a lot more on their minds.

had a lot on their minds? like what?? if i had tickets to a concert no news story could make me miss it

#4 I couldn't have said it better myself hahaha

Which band? Anyways....cheer up....check it on YouTube...

I honestly have no idea why you have so many downvotes

Even though that sucks, it is your fault. When there's something that big at stake, you should make sure there are multiple reminders either early the day of, or even the day before.

You Must have been going alone. Or your friends forgot you. Fyl

Le_ponderer 14

OP, there's so much technology to remind us of things! Phones, facebook, outlook calendars etc. Or you could go old school & use a sticky note with the words written with a marker. Anyway, this occurrence will be a lesson to plan better next time. Sorry you missed out on the concert though.

Must not have been that great of a concert.

StiffPvtParts 43

OP probably dodged a bullet by missing out on this one.