By Anonymous - 27/04/2013 04:11 - United States

Today, I was getting ready to have sex with my boyfriend for the first time. It seems he thought I was a much larger cup size than I really am, because when he saw my actual boobs, he said, "Aaaaaaand they're gone". FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 617
You deserved it 15 409

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, were you wearing a ridiculous push-up bra with a ton of padding? If so, can't really blame him for being surprised. If not and he's just really bad at judging size then that sucks...I'm betting it's more the former though.

You should have put your hand down his pants and reciprocated the favour.


Boobs are Boobs. Tell him to get over it.

Aregonde 15

I hope you gave him a similar response when he took his pants off.

I feel like you guys may be moving a little too fast if that was his response, personally 2nd base usually comes before sex, so he should have known already!

Everyone has a different idea of what "too fast" might be. And we also don't know if OP's guy has seen her without a shirt but with a bra on before etc. So, there's really not much to judge off of.

I guess just for me personally I wouldn't have sex with someone unless I'd done most other things first, but yes I agree everyone is different

I was thinking the same thing. I'm just used to rounding the bases in order, so seems strange to me that it would be his first time seeing them at that moment.

Jessie2410 15

Oh no, sounds like another case of false advertisement! You've either got it or you don't, why lie about it? As you found out, there's no hiding it once the clothes come off anyway.

sgtcxelite 11

If my boyfriend said anything like that, I'd be hiding in the bathroom crying and pissed off. How don't they realize how bad comments like that make us feel? Isn't it pretty much common knowledge that girls are incredibly focused on insecurities like that?

A lot of men are the same way about their penises.

In my opinion, this would be a sign you're with the wrong guy. Criticizing your partners body when your about to have sex is rude.

I think criticizing their body at all is rude, but I get what you mean

I did a big edit that took too long because after I sent the comment I just had to say more... In my opinion, this would be a sign you're with the wrong guy. Criticizing your partners body when your about to have sex seems like a real dick move IMHO if he was super into you he would try to make you feel amazing & sexy not make rude comments about your body.

And so are you. Chances of getting some: Nonexistent.

Making any commment on a womans body when she is naked is a really bad idea, even if its a heart felt compliment. When the clothes are on its great, good manners and very good for building an emotional lanuage you can both communicate with. When they clothes come off they have heard it all before so just shut up, They are vunrable and emotional and not to the extent as males are as in touch with thier sexual nature. Some are, but you know, Im genralising about how we are brought up and see our selves sexually in society. Men are **** this shag that, women... not so much.

That was the first thing that came to my mind.

Can't believe it took 2 pages before someone pointed this out

SwtCherryPie 26

First off, your boyfriend is a total dick for saying that. Second off, you probably were wearing a pushup bra or did one of those little tricks (like Jenna Marbles suggests) that make your **** look significantly bigger than what they are. Although your boyfriend is a dick, my guess is you probably still kinda deserved it. He could have been a lot nicer about the way he said it though. I liken push up bras to bags of potato chips. You open it up and you're only getting about half the product you expected. Its still good but not quite as good as what you were led to believe you were getting.