No means no, Deborah

By Anonymous - 15/08/2023 16:00 - United States - Lafayette

Today, it's my birthday. A month ago, I'd told everyone I invited to my party that it was going to be adults only. One of my friends brought her kids with her anyway, then started screaming and trashing the place when I politely asked her to leave. The cops had to be called to finally get her out of my house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 077
You deserved it 103

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some friend. You're better off without that stupid bastard in your life.

Kids are hilarious, and I quite enjoy filling them up with Red Bull and red-dyed candy like any good uncle of two minions should... But kids are not dogs. You can't just pack them up with you to adult events and expect them to cope. If they're not old enough to participate, then AT BEST they're going to be sitting around playing with electronics the whole time. Either find a babysitter, or don't go.


Some friend. You're better off without that stupid bastard in your life.

Kids are hilarious, and I quite enjoy filling them up with Red Bull and red-dyed candy like any good uncle of two minions should... But kids are not dogs. You can't just pack them up with you to adult events and expect them to cope. If they're not old enough to participate, then AT BEST they're going to be sitting around playing with electronics the whole time. Either find a babysitter, or don't go.