By grampsisgay - 18/04/2009 00:46 - United States

Today, I was taking my boyfriend to the mall. In the parking lot I pointed out an old man in a vibrant pink sweater who was leaving by saying "He is so gay." My boyfriend got out of the car and walked towards the man calling "Hey Papaw!" It was his grandfather. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 274
You deserved it 80 157

Same thing different taste

Top comments

did you not get the memo that pink is the new blue for straight men?


omgitsseejay 0

YDI for calling someone gay in the first place, TexMex, and a 2nd YDI for it being an old person.

did you not get the memo that pink is the new blue for straight men?

definitely. A, it was homophobic. B, wearing pink doesn't make you gay. and C, great job insulting a random stranger, WTF.

you deserved that one, you should mind your own "bidniss"

old people dress the best 'cause they don't give a ****! so yeah, you deserved that one.

YDI, never be so quick to judge people.

#2 Pink is not the new blue for straight men, since blue is also gay.. unless it's navy blue.