By rammedbehind - 26/08/2009 21:36 - United States

Today, I was driving to work when a state trooper rammed into my car from behind, because he was on the cell phone and not paying attention. He gave me a ticket for "Failure to control speed to avoid a crash." FML
I agree, your life sucks 84 702
You deserved it 3 838

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DanceRox9008 0

you should take that to court cause im pretty sure you could manage to not have to pay for that.


that's what you get for being out of the kitchen. why did your man even let you get a license? prob didn't even have one...woman driver...sheesh

you're kidding, right?! because if you aren't you're a ******* sexist pig.

Don't worry, he's just a male lacking a penis.

pretty sure he left his penis in some kitchen after talking shit. seriously man - don't tell a woman to stay in the kitchen. that's where the knives are. duh.

Seriously? People, this is such bull shit. I can't believe no one has said this is fake. That is a completely bull shit reason for writing a ticket. This is fake. People just want to bash cops. Grow up and get a life.

letitbe56 0

Unfortunately, there are a few cops out there who deserve bashing. Maybe the OP ran into one of them. They are human, after all. Just hope that most people are intelligent enough not to apply the characteristics of this cop to all cops.

mclovin1988 2

to #41, oh yea, because all cops are perfect and would never do something like that (spoken with immense sarcasm)

curryndricegirll 0

I don't believe it either. Either that, or that person wasn't a legitimate cop.

Yep, corrupt cops don't exist. There has never been a cop that has abused their authority for their own convenience. /sarcasm

ihateme23 0

#41 you're a dumbass. probably a cop lol

wet11 2

Whoever clicks YDI should be shot to death. 100% FYL This trooper is a asshole

THANK YOU! Someone with common sense! #41

I totally read "state trooper" as "storm trooper." FYL. Dude's a jerkwad.

I just laughed so hard at this. "...a storm trooper rammed into my car..." Yes. Win.

This is fake. And painfully obvious. First reason, a state trooper would not be on his cell phone during work, this is common for all work places and he could get fired quite easily. Second and the most important reason, in a rear end collision, the person behind is ALWAYS at fault. NO matter what

letitbe56 0

Last I checked, state troopers are still people. Sometimes people use their cell phones while driving. And since he could easily get fired...wouldn't it then be believable that he would trump up a reason to give her a ticket? Even cops break the law sometimes. If it is true, it's too bad. People need to be able to trust cops. The OP should report the guy.

xThatRandomGirlx 0

I really hope you take this to court

xmaggerzz 0

unless you stopped really fast and were being a dangerous driver, there's no reason for you to get a ticket. report it.

And it's dickwads like this that give cops a bad name... :/ take it to court, there's no way you can't win this bull shit case. *shakes head* And I have personally met a cop that would write a bull shit ticket like that just because he can and he was the one at fault. There are assholes out there that would do it...'tis a sad world we live in.