By Snowin2007 - 09/01/2010 08:16 - United States

Today, I told my boyfriend that I loved his flaming red hair. He told me that he loved the fuzz on my butt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 197
You deserved it 7 529

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah well us ginges are mighty mean to fuzz butts

I don't know...this one is kinda cute instead of FYL. : )


Yeah well us ginges are mighty mean to fuzz butts

well at least she knows not to shave her ass

nicoleclark 0

96- Learn to spell. Your comment actually makes you sound like a ****** up weirdo that doesn't even know English. ;/

I don't know...this one is kinda cute instead of FYL. : )

da fk is 'fuzz on ur butt' is that some kinda bush-like hair on ur ass?

L.M.A.O. stupid comment but made me laugh so hard lol.

mcxhunni 0

everyone has hairs on their ass. what, do you shave your butt? 0.o