By Anonymous - 27/06/2014 20:22 - Spain - Valencia

Today, I was driving my 7-year-old daughter to school, when out of nowhere a bird smashed into the windshield. Instead of screaming or being traumatized by the gore like me, my daughter started laughing, eventually calling the bird a "stupid bastard". FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 296
You deserved it 9 384

Same thing different taste


mysadlyfe 9

Be careful of what she hears you and her dad say!

FroggerForReal 11

Yeah great way you find out your child might need a psychiatrist and you get to clean up a bloody mess. Killed two birds with one stone

Killed one bird with one windshield, actually.

Actually therapy will make that worse. Trust me. Just cause she has a thicker skin you're going to send her thinking shes a maniac. Unless shes going out of her way to hurt animals, I say just let her be.

incoherentrmblr 21

Remember all those times those pigeons used the Windex to clean the sliding glass door and you walked into it? You finally got your revenge...

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abbii_7 8

not necessarily psycho, maybe OP is just a pussy

OP won't take your advice considering you called her child a psycho.

kingdomgirl94 29

Kid seems a little psycho. Maybe its too harsh a word... we need a word for baby psycho....

Living things (humans mainly) getting hurt is flippin' hilarious. Haven't you ever watched America's Funniest Videos? But a bird going splat against your windshield isn't all that funny. And it's a pain to clean off the blood and guts afterwards.

Oh, come on, #36. Why can't we just admit it? We all feed on tragedy.

There is no great comedy, without great tragedy. Humor is always base in misfortune, and laughter is a way for people to feel better about things that scare them subconsciously.

kingdomgirl94 29

Clearly you've never seen Ellen! No fear or hostility or cruelty there!

7 years of age is hardly a baby and laughing at a bird is hardly psycho

Maybe get her in touch with animals more? She might learn to care for them a little more

Not sure why everyone's so butt hurt over this. Everyone at one point has watched or will watch a funny video on YouTube of animals getting hurt. Just because she laughed doesn't mean she has no compassion for animals. A few years ago, basically the same thing happened to me. A bird hit the windshield and landed in the back of the truck, my brother and I cried from laughter but his fiancé got extremely mad at us for doing so. We both love animals and just because we laughed it doesn't mean we are psychos. Everyone needs to calm down.

The bird didn't just get hurt... It died

I hate birds, so I would have laughed too. But OP's daughter seeing a living thing splattered on the windshield maybe should have at least frightened her a bit? Being 7 and all...

If it got hurt that would suck but if it just died instantly, then it didn't suffer. Also, even though laughing at an animal's pain seems wrong because it implies you like that they got hurt, the animal actually doesn't understand your laughter like a human would. Therefore, the laughing doesn't hurt it any more. Also, don't mistake laughing for being a psycho. One could be a caring person and also laugh at a bird flying into a window.

Hey, I love animals. I also love hunting animals...

The hunt is extremely fun. You get to learn about how the animal sees and smells everything and how you can slip past them without startling them. Plus they taste and smell a lot better cooked.

Oh boo hoo, what about all the other birds that die in wild, do you really care about them at all? If every living thing is precious why do we kill bugs and spiders all the time? People need to grow up and realize that the death of this bird is utterly inconsequential in even the smallest of scopes. You guys could serve to learn something from this kid. She seems ahead of the curve

Bluebl4ze 16

I felt like the kid's been watching Game of Thrones

Not really. The kid only thought in the context of sudden incident. She probably didn't even realize how hurt the bird would have been. Just needs some teaching for caring about living things.

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You're a sick person. You're going to Hell

Respect101 17

yeah.... I wouldn't be proud of calling myself sick... unless I was coming down with an illness... not a full fledged mental illness, but like the common cold or flu.

With a humour like I have? One can only hope so!

Calling someone sick and then telling them they are going to experience eternal torture is hypocritical...

Think of it as a warning, not a threat. It's not like any of us can personally deliver her to Hell.

popprock 13

It's not hilarious at all... And your comment is ludicrous. You are not cool or different just because you think it's funny....

nonnieluv 9

I laughed too I think this child may be a sociopath but the FML is pretty hysterical.

Indeed! I never said I was nice or not going to hell.

Take her to therapy or at least force her to watch lassie!!!

RedPillSucks 31

I prefer New Yellow. It's got a much brighter story.

I thought it was Old Yeller. didn't know there was a Yankee version.