By Anonymous - 04/02/2013 05:15 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I was dragged to a Super Bowl party. While there, the host's kid threw 3 cups of apple sauce at my feet, which then exploded and covered my jeans. 10 minutes later, the host's wife announced that she was pregnant with twins. All I could come up with was, "You're making more!?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 773
You deserved it 6 523

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Trust me, you were only saying what everyone else was thinking.

The difference between a good kid and a bad kid is a good parent who isn't afraid to say "no".


ulissey_fml 22

So you were not Bowled over by the good news, then?

I wouldn't feel bad about this. There's already too many people in this world. And like someone else already pointed out - you said what everyone else was thinking.

There needs to be a "She deserved it" button.

Laugh it off, call the kids adorable and leave as quick as you can.

You must be a 49er's fan op. If you had been a Ravens fan you would've known that no weapon formed against us shall prosper.(not even apple sauce!)

You never mentioned how old the kid was? Toddlers and babies throw stuff all the time. If the kid was older it would be unacceptable. Btw, I thought I was the biggest know it all when it came to raising kids before I had my own kids.

skyeyez9 24

Kids are a blank slate and need to be taught manners, responsibility and etiquette...etc If the kid is an asshole, its the parents' fault.

If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything. No matter how frustrated you were, you didn't have to comment OP. Self control. It was just another bratty kid who threw applesauce at you. You could have later told the mother to discipline their child in private. I'm sure she would have given consequences for what her little son/daughter/hermaphrodite did to you. You didn't have to insult her in front of everyone, because that only made you look bad and nobody else. Sorry for your jeans OP.

rachilio 26

Lol I laughed a little too hard

I think that's an awesome response to the hosts wife!! Especially when she isn't watching the one she has already! FYL