By Anonymous - 04/02/2013 05:15 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I was dragged to a Super Bowl party. While there, the host's kid threw 3 cups of apple sauce at my feet, which then exploded and covered my jeans. 10 minutes later, the host's wife announced that she was pregnant with twins. All I could come up with was, "You're making more!?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 773
You deserved it 6 523

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Trust me, you were only saying what everyone else was thinking.

The difference between a good kid and a bad kid is a good parent who isn't afraid to say "no".


6- If they're brats, it's the parent's job to teach them otherwise.

Unless you're a child, you really can not be "dragged" to a superbowl party. If you didn't want to go, then you shouldn't have gone. Grow up and get a pair.

you should change your username to "dumbingmyself"

Where's the "She deserved it" link when you need it the most? :)

Best response ever send them cleaning bill

lighten up OP. I saw the same superbowl. My friend has twins in their terrible twos and twins in the way. The difference is I understand kids have accidents and throw tantrums and need attention. Your friends are now at the age they are having kids so deal with it. You may even want some of your own.

One should not just ALLOW their children to throw applesauce. That should have been stopped once the first cup hit the ground. The parents failed in this scenerio by allowing the child to throw not just one but three cups of applesauce.

I dunno, I find spending time around small fry to be very effective birth control. Especially when the parents seem as incapable of discipline as OP's (former?) friends.

I totally disagree that OP should just have to "deal with it." In what universe is a Superbowl party a kid-friendly event? The parents should have hired a babysitter or foisted the kid off on the neighbors if they planned on hosting an adult party. It was rude of them to even have the child there, let alone let the child throw food at their guests.

You know what? The kid throwing one cup of applesauce is one thing, and the parents should have nipped it in the bud right then and there before the brat threw the second and third cups. And that the parents are pregnant with twins means they're going to have three little hellions running amuck. Heck, shouldn't the kids have been in BED by the third quarter blackout?

Satoaoi 13

Pshhhhhht I would've said. same thing probably worse

Everyone will have to put up with the brats. Too many go by the philosophy that "it takes a village" to raise a child. Maybe the village should have a vote on whether you should reproduce.

It was probably fairly uncomfortable to sit around in those jeans even after trying to clean off the applesauce. There's only so much you can clean without taking them off. I doubt the thought of staining was a big deal.

Don't worry once they kicked you out the lights went out. You didn't miss shit.