By MarchingNightmare - 16/01/2019 22:00 - United States - Hendersonville

Today, I have had 4 nosebleeds. Four of them, full-on, almost passing out nosebleeds. It's only noon. I think I need to see a doctor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 578
You deserved it 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How many nosebleeds do you normally have in a day? If I have one nosebleed where I almost pass out, I’m getting to the ER right away. My normal number of nosebleeds per year is zero.


If this were an anime, I'd ask if you'd seen four really hot women. But as it's real life, I think, I wanna ask if you're on some kind of medication. But yeah, check in with your doctor, before you pass out and faceplant the corner of a table on your way to the floor.

have you been drinking any water at sll in the past week

How many nosebleeds do you normally have in a day? If I have one nosebleed where I almost pass out, I’m getting to the ER right away. My normal number of nosebleeds per year is zero.

You should probably see a doctor and possibly get blood work. Praying for you.

Gofuckyourself 24

Or..... and this is just an idea, quit punching yourself in the face so hard.

But first let me write this FML while I bleed out....

fde2blknimout 18