By Anonymous - 06/02/2017 05:00 - United States - Houston

Today, after many attempts at getting my girlfriend to ride the bus to see me rather than taking Uber, she finally did. She ended up meeting a man who convinced her that she should break up with me. She listened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 337
You deserved it 1 616

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If a random stranger could convince her she most likely was already thinking it.

Friend, if she could so easily be convinced by a total stranger, then perhaps are she shouldn't have been your girlfriend in the first place. But don't worry about it. Shit happens, and sometimes relationships come and go. Since I, myself, have had a few shitty relationships in the past, I can say there's always someone else out there.


If a random stranger could convince her she most likely was already thinking it.

What I want to know is why her choice of transport mattered so much to you in the first place.

uber isn't a thing where i live but maybe its because as far as i know. anyone can be a driver for uber. went to the states for my honeymoon a few months back and me and my wife dared your bus system over uber. we got lost.

usnwife 18

Finances? If she had complained about the cost to come see him I could understand him trying to convince her to save money... Either way though, sounds like it was a very weak relationship

usnwife 18

Finances? If she had complained about the cost to come see him I could understand him trying to convince her to save money... Either way though, sounds like it was a very weak relationship

I mean public transport is probably way cheaper than uber

What I want to know is why her choice of transport mattered so much to you in the first place.

OP was worried that their GF would be attacked, cheat, or that the scenario that happened in the post would happen.

Probably arbitrarily hates Uber now cuz of the Trump thing.

He was most likely just being considerate about her spending so much to come see him and wanted her to save some money.

Friend, if she could so easily be convinced by a total stranger, then perhaps are she shouldn't have been your girlfriend in the first place. But don't worry about it. Shit happens, and sometimes relationships come and go. Since I, myself, have had a few shitty relationships in the past, I can say there's always someone else out there.

Crazy people ride the bus. I like to think I'm normal, but I do occasionally ride the bus.

onceuponatime456 16

It may hurt at the moment but you haven't lost anything. If that is all it took for her to break with you then she is not worth having.

Was he trying to get in her pants, or was he just stirring up shit?

kenny111598 0

Time to ride the bus and get back out there, who knows maybe you'll steal someone else's girl

She had to ride a bus to see you rather than you picking her up and taking her out? No wonder she is gone.

Not everyone is made of money or owns a car. And riding a bus is a standard part of everyone's life if they live in a city. For the first few times with a girlfriend it would be nice to drive and pick them up, but when it's been a while it's sometimes better to have them come your way instead.