By Anonymous - 04/02/2013 05:15 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I was dragged to a Super Bowl party. While there, the host's kid threw 3 cups of apple sauce at my feet, which then exploded and covered my jeans. 10 minutes later, the host's wife announced that she was pregnant with twins. All I could come up with was, "You're making more!?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 773
You deserved it 6 523

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Trust me, you were only saying what everyone else was thinking.

The difference between a good kid and a bad kid is a good parent who isn't afraid to say "no".


VampTat 10

Why wasn't the child in bed??? Most folks put their youngsters to bed during parties like a Super Bowl Party...

Hey guys, OP here. The women hosting the party ended up being completely unapologetic in the end, as well as defending her son an herself. To anyone wondering, she already has 3 kids and the twins would be here fourth and fifth children.

Hey guys, OP here. I didn't k ow this got put up until recently, so sorry for the delay. I wanted to clear some things up. First, this lady does have 3 children already, so the twins will be her 4th and 5th. Secondly, I was not "dragged" to the party in the sense that I am a child, but I went with friends because I honestly had nothing better to do. To all the people who said apple sauce is the new style, damn straight it is.

littlexlune 16

I can understand your skepticism. People who can't control their kids should be sterilized.

Hey, Op here. Didn't realize that this was posted until I found it while sifting the random section. For a bit of background information, I had no affiliation with any of the people at the party other than my family, who decided I needed to come for whatever reason. The family hosting the event is completely out of hand, they had 5 children before the twins. All of their children are poorly behaved, scum of the Earth, obscenely entitled nuisances that do whatever they want wherever they want, and their parents are both silver spoon spineless rich kids that never grew up. After I made my remark, we left quickly. For those bashing me for a lack of manners, I think you may need to have been there, as any form of civil behavior was quite foreign in the situation. I generally try to treat people, especially hosts, with respect and kindness. The first comment on apple bottom jeans was pretty funny, the 50 duplicates got old quickly. I'm just satisfied that I got this posted, I'm not sure I was logged in when I did though. Either way, thanks for taking the time to read my rant, have a good one!

I'm sure you weren't the only one thinking it.