By razzmataz - 28/01/2009 13:38 - United States

Today, I was discussing my family heritage with my girlfriend's parents. The moment I told them that I came from a German background, her seven-year-old brother pointed at me and yelled, "HITLER!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 987
You deserved it 3 150

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should've said "No, sweetie. Hitler was from Austria."

Man, I hate it when people rag on Germany. That's screwed up.


Man, I hate it when people rag on Germany. That's screwed up.

Hey, it's about the same level as being called a communist every time you say your last name or say you're Russian.

UsernameInCanada 7

Well I'm Jewish, and I have no problem with Germans. People from previous generations seem to though, and for them I wouldn't say its dumb.

Or being asian and listening to world war two insults.

Reminds me of a survey that was done a few years ago of British and German youth comparing each other...the German youth considered the British lads "trendy and cool" while the Brits still thought of their Deutsch counterparts as a bunch of "young Hitlers" LOL

You should've said "No, sweetie. Hitler was from Austria."

littlec_fml 0

that kid is awesome but you that sucks for you

WOAH... I would have pissed my pants laughing.

katie203cat 0

hahaha i have to admit that is pretty funny.

I personally would of stood up, held up my arm and yell "Hail Hitler!"

That's messed up. These days it's hard to find someone who doesn't have some german heritage. Especially in the midwestern us.

Music1obsessed 0

i dont get the big deal. its not like her parents called u that. How is this an fmylife? yes i know who hitler was but seriously he was 7 and i dont see the big deal.