By razzmataz - 28/01/2009 13:38 - United States

Today, I was discussing my family heritage with my girlfriend's parents. The moment I told them that I came from a German background, her seven-year-old brother pointed at me and yelled, "HITLER!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 980
You deserved it 3 149

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should've said "No, sweetie. Hitler was from Austria."

Man, I hate it when people rag on Germany. That's screwed up.


maddy23a 5

From Austria yes, but nevertheless famous for being a german dictator. anyway OP i feel your pain I'm 80% German but dont let that stuff bother you

I would've laughed, especially if the kid is from Austrian descent. If he wasn't, then I would've just said, "No, honey, Hitler was from Austria."

Shell000 1

Lmmfao. Im sorry, thats just too funny.

Shell000 1

And it doesnt really matter if he was from Austria... He was a German dictator so of course the connection was made... Besides the little boy didnt know any better. I say brush it off.