Shame! Shame!

By Anonymous - 05/03/2022 12:00

Today, my daughter is so out of touch with anything not related to her phone and her social popularity that she doesn't know who Hitler was. I had to show her on YouTube, and while we aren't religious anymore, we are a Jewish family so this is an extra level of parental shame for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 800
You deserved it 597

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Are they not teaching kids about WWI and WWII in school anymore?

homehints1001 7

You do realise its not just the job of the school to teach your children about the world.


Are they not teaching kids about WWI and WWII in school anymore?

As a history teacher, yes we are definitely teaching the Holocaust and WWII. It depends on if the student is paying attention and wants to learn.

Oy! What a schmuck! How can you exist in social media without knowing about Hitler and Nazis? Godwin's Law insists that you have to start throwing those terms about in comments sections. You don't want to be an ignorant Marjorie who talks about the Gazpacho (cold, Spanish soup) police when the correct word is Gestapo.

homehints1001 7

You do realise its not just the job of the school to teach your children about the world.

MissGetJinxed 5

I gotta ask, How old is your kid?

So, fun fact: I thought that the correct way to clean every single surface in the bathroom was to use dish soap until I was 28. Why? Because no one ever actually told me they made specific bathroom cleaners. If you don't explicitly tell your kid things, they won't learn them, it's as simple as that. Yes, SOME kids pick things up by osmosis, but yours clearly is not. If you want her to learn things, you are going to have to break down and TELL HER WHAT YOU WANT HER TO KNOW. You can't just keep hoping it'll magically happen--you have to open your mouth and impart information. That's part of what parenting is.