By anonymous - 31/10/2014 23:28 - United States - Chicago

Today, I was a pregnant man for Halloween. Everyone at school thought it was funny, except my principal, who gave me a detention and said it was, "inappropriate and making a pregnant teacher feel uncomfortable". That pregnant teacher asked me to take a selfie with her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 851
You deserved it 2 709

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The principal was just jealous you didn't have his baby. Or he's mad that the teacher is having his. Take your pick.

It's okay. I was almost kicked out of school for a few stitches drawn on my face.


The principal was just jealous you didn't have his baby. Or he's mad that the teacher is having his. Take your pick.

1, you don't know the principle was a man or woman. Don't assume. But OP I'm sorry, obviously it didn't bother the pregnant teacher. Detention sucks. At least it was a fun night up until that moment...principles tend to be jerks.

I will assume all I want. It was a joke. I could make it she was jealous that she couldn't be the one pregnant . It's my prerogative. Oh and by the way I didn't know your principles had a sex, only principals...

You're getting pretty defensive there, ain't cha, 12?

It's okay. I was almost kicked out of school for a few stitches drawn on my face.

I can only imagine the outrage if those stitches were legitimate

malea_17 16

I think the principle was uncomfortable

Steve95401 49

I think the principal was uncomfortable too.

Cookiee04 15

she used that selfie against you

diving_fml 30

that's why you don't take pictures when your committing a crime....or ditching work then posting it on FB when your boss is your friend.

They sound like that very serious type person.. Your principal gotta chill out

You could have said you were Harvey from Sabrina the Teenage Witch! There was an episode where a backfired spell made him pregnant.

Ah, the Rumour Mill… seeing all those rumours be true was funny!

Principals with no sense of humor are the worst. There's a difference between being stern and being a dick.

LostInTheZone11 29

Wow, maybe have the teacher explain. My brother got away with a condom costume his senior year. Even the football coach said "You know. I'm glad you're wearing that. Maybe some kids in this school might pick up on what that is."

Maybe your principal was dressed as a raging asshole for Halloween.

Set up your own "Breakfast Club". Close the door to get the prom queen impregnated.