By charishard - 04/05/2013 05:17 - United States - San Marcos

Today, I was checking out a customer who seemed quite friendly. As I finished, he reached slightly over the counter and I impulsively reached out and shook his hand. He gave me a dumbfounded look and said, "Can I have my change please?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 326
You deserved it 35 121

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hmmm were you checking him out or "checking him out"? Way to play it cool.

Unfortunately you'll have to do a little extra if you want to keep that change.


Unfortunately you'll have to do a little extra if you want to keep that change.

Shaking his hand is a good starter for getting something extra.

Definitly the shaking, but not of the hand...

Dawnstempest 17

#18 You have to start somewhere.

Hopefully the situation didn't get out of hand.

Hmmm were you checking him out or "checking him out"? Way to play it cool.

Maybe OP should be outside wearing the donut costume instead.

Why? She would just attract cops....

Don't feel too bad. We've all been in awkward situations. Try and play it cool as if nothing happened.

nnnope 26

no, OP definitely pocketed the change and sent the customer on his way after confusing and annoying him. and they say there's no such thing as a stupid question...

And that's when you laugh, apologise and say it's been a long day. I've had several salespeople forget to give me my change or, on one occasion, even the stuff I bought; it's completely understandable. And if the client has a shred of a sense of humour or empathy, it's not even that awkward.

I've done this exact thing and said exactly that. it's embarrassing as hell but 💁‍♀️

nnnope 26

you should've said "of course, I just thought this transaction was lovely and you deserved a hand shake for being such a good fellow" with your most ridiculous fake British accent, naturally. it's always better to turn an awkward situation like this, into a funny one.

That would probably confuse and annoy him even more...

That would've made it more awkward...

There's no need to be shaken up by this, OP. Just be the change you wish to see, and as always, May the Fourth be With You.

This being FML and all, you should be glad you only grabbed his hand

Haa. I've been there OP. Usually customers are fine with it if you just apologise and joke that it has "just been one of those days." Turning a potentially awkward moment into a light laugh. Customer service skills! :-P