Casual something

By lukey101 - 14/02/2021 18:30 - Australia

Today, I went to the Asian Grocery. I politely smiled, bellowed, “Hello!” and kind of waved to the cashier as I walked in, to which he gave me a blank, scared-for-his-life kinda look. Turns out he was actually just another customer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 641
You deserved it 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The name of the shop is "The Asian Grocery" not sure why it was moderated to Grocer's, isn't how you would even say it here. Relevance is it's not my usual supermarket so I didn't know what the cashier/s looked like. The person I said Hello to (and how racist of me to do so) was the only other person I could see in the shop and standing right at the counter at the time, hence confusion on my part.

Why did you feel the need to point out the grocer's was Asian? It has no relevance to the rest of the story, unless you're trying to tell us that you thought the customer was a cashier because they were Asian.


I'll bet you said "Herro!", you racist bastard!

Why did you feel the need to point out the grocer's was Asian? It has no relevance to the rest of the story, unless you're trying to tell us that you thought the customer was a cashier because they were Asian.

The name of the shop is "The Asian Grocery" not sure why it was moderated to Grocer's, isn't how you would even say it here. Relevance is it's not my usual supermarket so I didn't know what the cashier/s looked like. The person I said Hello to (and how racist of me to do so) was the only other person I could see in the shop and standing right at the counter at the time, hence confusion on my part.

You'd actually written "Asian grocer". Not knowing that there's a shop called that, I've changed it to "Asian Grocery"!

Yummi_913 18

Obviously it's because there's a language barrier at these stores and they're harder to navigate. A lot of the folks there are older and don't speak English at all - or sometimes even pretend they dont. That's a pretty relevant detail considering the confusion. I frequent these stores because they remind me of my old second home in Asia.

Yummi_913 18

If he was standing at the register maybe you caught him stealing? 🤔 explains the scared look on his face.

randybryant799 20