By the_captain - 23/06/2009 00:21 - United States

Today, I was cashiering at Target when an old woman came into my checkout line. Her items? Variety pack of pleasuring condoms, a bottle of KY sensual lube, and two colorful thongs. As I'm scanning these, she leans in and whispers, "I love toys." FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 690
You deserved it 3 501

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tyranny 0

Old people do have a sex life too, and are usually a bit more open about it than we would like to know.

Glam_fml 0

Yeah, that was kind of inappropriate for her to tell you about it, but good for her for having an exciting sex life at her age. I hope I can be that lucky..


At least it wasn't a pregnancy test and a clothes hanger ... (shamelessly stolen from xkcd)

1,, Its 'GILF' Not GMILF :) 2. TO the poster who said tmi?? half of this site is about peoples sex lives, and filled with tmi,, whats the problem with a senior citizen who 's a bit too open? sounds no different then everyone else on here :)

That isn't the point. Of course this site has a lot to do with TMI's, and this is just one of them, which is the point. Most people don't go around discussing their sex related purchases with the cashier, and when they do, it is a TMI. See how that works? That's what makes the original post humorous. See how that works?


jeffracecar24 0

1 word.......... DISTURBING

Whenever I see a customer hide his condoms under loads of other items, upon scanning the pack I always ask in very loud voice if they want it in a separate bag

Diligent17 4

...Nasty for being open about it to young ppl lol.