By the_captain - 23/06/2009 00:21 - United States

Today, I was cashiering at Target when an old woman came into my checkout line. Her items? Variety pack of pleasuring condoms, a bottle of KY sensual lube, and two colorful thongs. As I'm scanning these, she leans in and whispers, "I love toys." FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 690
You deserved it 3 501

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tyranny 0

Old people do have a sex life too, and are usually a bit more open about it than we would like to know.

Glam_fml 0

Yeah, that was kind of inappropriate for her to tell you about it, but good for her for having an exciting sex life at her age. I hope I can be that lucky..


Once again - old people need love too.

DarthJeff 0

Breathe deep. You can be an adult.

I work at Target to. Two days ago an old man came through my line buying high heels, 3/4 length stockings and those clip on underwear things that hold the stockings up. I was hoping they were for his wife but im not so certain haha

Did you happen to get her number??? Because if you did, I hope you have a very intresting night of old ******.

I really don't see how your life is ******. I am beginning to hate this website.

am i the only one who found that absolutely hilarious

ughhhhh77 0

oh my god, i work there too. the other day a girl bought batteries, butter, and condoms UH sick!!!!

Shmoopie4 0

This is why the Sexual Revolution wasn't necessarily a good thing.