The Customer Is Clueless

By Conner Johnson - 28/11/2017 05:00

Today, a customer walked up to me with a dog toy and said, "I knew one-stop shopping was a thing, but I didn't know you guys carried dildos." FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 186
You deserved it 288

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, apparently that dog toy doubles as a rorschach test! You should bump up the price.

Takes the phrase “give the dog a bone” to a whole new level!


Takes the phrase “give the dog a bone” to a whole new level!

Wow, apparently that dog toy doubles as a rorschach test! You should bump up the price.

bigdaddyeric 35

80% of those Dog Toys look like Sex Toys, I say the same thing to my Husband every time we go to Petco

Anything can be a *****, if you’re brave enough.

Remember, any dog toy can easily become an adult toy. It's all about location, location, location!

sumocj 14

I see chips, cat toys, dog toys, ******, veggies. This place has it all!

TeachAllTheMath 19

I’d love it if they said this about a tennis ball, or stuffed mail carrier or something.

That's taking the term "boned" to another level...