Who are you to judge?

By vertigoisarat - 23/02/2021 08:01 - United States

Today, I went to the drug store to pick up a few things. After looking for condoms for 15 minutes, I asked the cashier where I could find them. She said they keep them behind the counter due to theft. She refused to sell them to me, because they're for customers who might actually need them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 195
You deserved it 160

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I call bs! Even if it's inconceivable that you might use the condoms for sexual intercourse, everyone needs to make water balloons!

normally I wouldn't complain, but in a situation like this, that's when you need to ask for the manager


I call bs! Even if it's inconceivable that you might use the condoms for sexual intercourse, everyone needs to make water balloons!

normally I wouldn't complain, but in a situation like this, that's when you need to ask for the manager

Uh, no. Unless it's a safety/legal issue like lottery tickets and cigarettes to minors, she can't choose who can and can't purchase certain things.

You just earned a ticket to thousands of dollars, use it and get that money.

You missed your "kevin" moment! I would have asked for a manager. call the main office

bobsanction 18
phybreawptic 13

No way you actually looked for 15 minutes. 10 tops would be my limit!