By Anonymous - 25/03/2012 12:09 - Australia - Croydon

Today, I was babysitting this 12 year old. We were watching a movie, and he was being an angel just laying with his head in my lap. He fell asleep so I closed my eyes and had a little nap. When I woke up he had taken my shirt off and was feeling up my boobs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 300
You deserved it 14 951

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How did that not wake you? Also isn't twelve a little old to lay down in someone's lap (except parents)?


You completely deserve this. You are being PAID to WATCH the child. Not fall asleep. If you had done something like that at a real job you're ass would be fired. Stop complaining and do your job.

sweetbeast43 5

Dad walks in,"That's my boy!"

Rocky007 15

You fell asleep on the job!! Good thing he didn't set the house on fire, run away. I hope they fire you.

grace12898 0

I don't know if this kid is brave or just stupid... You should get paid double.

Ah puberty.... And twelve is not too young, they are just being Angels. Nobody one person is too old to lay on someones lap.

This 12 year old had a babysitter still because he couldn't be trusted. So, you thought you could trust him?!?! Shame on you for not being more careful, shame on him for being a future rapist and shame on his parents for not warning you that he had issues.

Here's a tip: NEVER fall asleep babysitting kids over 11 years old. That's exactly what happens