By AnonymousQuagga - 07/02/2014 03:07 - United States - Flower Mound

Today, I was at the library, working with some classmates on our major semester project. I accidentally killed power to the row of computers by me. I've never had so many enraged faces looking at me before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 491
You deserved it 16 316

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tigerblossom 19

The best option is to just run. There's nothing scarier than college students that have to redo their essays.


I feel their pain! That's happened to me before :(

Google drive is the greatest word processing program ever. Saves automatically.

Knightchaser27 25

But you can access google drive from any computer w/ internet

skyttlz 32

I loved Google Docs/Drive for my English class. It was so nice that I could type at home and then print it at the library without having to remember my flash drive.

I had that happen with my graphical designer when I was on tech...not fun... Fight back with anti virus while they use worms and Trojans...that's a horrible pun...

Well there goes all the college parties you would have been invited to.

Dodge4x4Ram 46

you should have blame it on Edison

omg that's kinda funny BUT ya that must of made everyone mad.

Just consider yourself lucky none of them murdered you right then and there, like I would have if I were one of those students whose computer shut down.

Save early and save often. Rule number 1 when doing anything with Computers. Controls+S is your best friend. I had a teacher who force shutdown all of our computers randomly in class. Sorry for you OP. And anyone that lost some of their work deserve it.

@23...that's really evil of those teachers! But I agree, you should always be saving!