Alexa, play "Wide Open Space" by Mansun

By revolutionbabe - 14/03/2022 10:00

Today, I don't have to set my alarm. I don't have to be anywhere. I can stay up late. But I'm a creature of habit and routine, and having an off day frightens me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 702
You deserved it 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nikki 17

I think both you and Grizz are too obsessed with work and you both need to find a way to only be there in your head when your being paid to be at work

habits are hard to break. and some people, myself included, can have problems when they break routine too much. my routines help keep me on track and make remembering things easier even outside of work. but I would agree if the issue is worries about work then yeah people need to take a step back.


this is every vacation week for me. I don't want to break my routine times. I find the thing that helps is not changing my alarms. I wake up at 430am, but I don't go to bed until I am almost falling asleep. Sounds odd, but being able to turn the alarm off and roll back over is great. and if I'm tired on vacation who cares. it also means I don't risk not turning it back or getting used to sleeping through it. it isneasoer to decide not to get up when the alarm goes off than it is for me to simply not have an alarm set.

Nikki 17

I think both you and Grizz are too obsessed with work and you both need to find a way to only be there in your head when your being paid to be at work

habits are hard to break. and some people, myself included, can have problems when they break routine too much. my routines help keep me on track and make remembering things easier even outside of work. but I would agree if the issue is worries about work then yeah people need to take a step back.