By NoUsernamHere - 03/06/2015 13:25 - United States

Today, I was working on a project in my school's library when a group of teenagers came in and began talking and laughing and being loud. When I asked them to please quiet down, the librarian asked me to leave for being too loud. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 890
You deserved it 2 456

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm a senior in college and have only stepped foot in my library 3 or 4 times. I just lock myself in my room to study because sometimes I can't stand people.

could have told the librarian to quiet down to, you were already being kicked out.


sonasonic 34

It isn't just a lack of luck, but a lack of common sense as well.

I'm a senior in college and have only stepped foot in my library 3 or 4 times. I just lock myself in my room to study because sometimes I can't stand people.

unicornruler 16

Sometimes? More like most of the time for me

JMichael 25

We should create a club. let's call it "Humans Against Humans" or HAH for short.

I do exactly the same, I would never even attempt to get work done in the library, I just unplug my TV and hole myself up in my room until I'm finished. It drives me crazy when people do nothing but complain about how difficult it is getting work done there, but make no attempt to find somewhere quieter. It's even better when they finish their work and become the people making noise...

TomeDr 24

What did you do? Yell at them to pipe down?

could have told the librarian to quiet down to, you were already being kicked out.

You did the right thing OP. Maybe the librarian thought you came in with them?

Was that librarian a friend of them?

That always literally happens to me in class, I feel your pain

SpartyOnWayne 18

That's ironic, OP. Well if got kicked out of the library, you better book it..