
By Anonymous - 07/07/2023 06:00 - United Kingdom - Leicester

Today, I went to my local library to study. As I settled in, I dropped my water bottle, causing a mini flood. Panicked, I tried to clean it up with paper towels, only to knock over a stack of books, creating a domino effect of chaos. The librarian gave me the dirtiest look. FML
I agree, your life sucks 621
You deserved it 312

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The libraries I worked in are not STRICT SILENCE. That is a movie/television trope. As long as you were not causing a disturbance for others you are fine. Accidents happen and as long as it is not prolonged or disrespectful to others you have nothing to be worried about. If the librarian really had a problem they would have said something.


The libraries I worked in are not STRICT SILENCE. That is a movie/television trope. As long as you were not causing a disturbance for others you are fine. Accidents happen and as long as it is not prolonged or disrespectful to others you have nothing to be worried about. If the librarian really had a problem they would have said something.