By pussyOUT - 01/09/2009 06:30 - United States

Today, I was at an amusement park with my kids. When we were on the Ferris wheel, I discovered my fear of heights. I hyperventilated, screamed from our seat "LET ME OUT! OH GOD LET ME OUT!!" I also began crying hysterically. They stopped the ride for me to get off. I'm a 45 year old man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 217
You deserved it 16 092

Same thing different taste

Sensory deprivation

By Trisha - 07/10/2023 10:00 - United States

Today, I went to a theme park with my friends. I was excited to ride the rollercoasters, but just as we were about to get on the biggest one, I realized I'd had left my glasses in the car. I can't see shit without them, but I decided to go on the ride anyway. I spent the entire time screaming in terror while my friends laughed, while I couldn't see a thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 175
You deserved it 668

Top comments

How do you get to be 45 and not discover that you fear heights?


Dynoblaze 1

Even if you had a fear of heights you could have controlled it by telling yourself you're in a freaking car with a rail that prevents you from falling unless you jump off.

Should have MANNED UP and stayed on the wheel. I kid, I kid. That's harsh. Although, how did you not notice a fear of heights for 45 years?

Ya Pansy, pull it together in front of your kids.

Only way to get over a fear is to face it. OP, try climbing a high, slippery/sandy rock face with a pool at the bottom. That sure helped me. I also got to face a few fishes.

joethebiden 8

You're a 45 year old MAN? More like a 45 year old PUSSY. YDI.

Ew, that sounds really gross lmfao I mean technically a 45 year old woman has a 45 year old pussy, but... It makes me think of expired pussy, like I dunno... a watermelon.

cucumberfabulous 7

I don't blame you, ferris wheels get scary! But I wouldn't be screaming like you did ....hahah

DeadMansCrack 4

At least this didn't end like it did in the amusement park scene like in Final Destination 3. Now that would be a real FML.

I'm not afraid of heights but I'm terrified of ferris wheels. It's the fast movement coupled with the the total loss of control. They're scarrier than the steepest roller coasters IMHO.

In my humble opinion, I believe that IMHO means "in my humble opinion".

or it can mean "In My Honest Opinion" Thats how ive always heard it anyway