By BroadwayBaby1997 - 17/09/2016 15:26 - United States - Mission

Today, I've had more crushes on fictional characters than actual people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 405
You deserved it 2 594

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Less chance of a broken heart I suppose.

Or if they're Game of Thrones characters.


Less chance of a broken heart I suppose.

True. Unless said character ends up with someone in the series...

Or if they're Game of Thrones characters.

TheLostCauseFML 40

You can always rewrite the story in your head to fit your needs so that they don't end up with anyone else

Nyattack 14

The fact that said crushes don't actually exist could be pretty heartbreaking in itself !

I relate to this on a spiritual, mental and physical level.

I relate to this on a supernatural lever

That just means real people aren't up to par with them.

I suppose some writers somewhere can feel pride in a job well done.

that moment when tumblr takes over fml ?

mariri9206 32

Same, dude, same, but I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing.