By imbx - 13/04/2009 00:24 - United States

Today, I was at a pool party. My friend's little sister pushed me in the pool. When I got out, I pushed her in. She started screaming, and I started laughing because I thought she was pissed that I pushed her in. That wasn't why she was screaming. She can't swim. Her whole family witnessed it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 695
You deserved it 20 253

Same thing different taste

Top comments

put your hands over your eyes, it makes you invisible


lonligurl 0

i ******* hate kids. though you may have gotten into trouble, gotta admitt it was worth pushing her in for what she did to you! well done!

How were you supposed to know. I hate people who dish out but can't take it back.

To #125: I can't speak for anyone else here, but I for one never defended the girl for pushing the OP in to begin with. She was wrong to do it, too. But that doesn't make it acceptable for the OP to push the girl in. And just because there were others around to help the girl doesn't make it okay, either. And it is ESPECIALLY not okay to laugh at a girl who is drowning in front of you - it's pretty clear when someone cannot swim once they hit the water. This isn't "teaching a kid a lesson," it's a grown person acting inappropriately in a way that could scar a child for life. Was the kid right? Nope. That doesn't make the OP's actions right.

To #125: I can't speak for anyone else here, but I for one never defended the girl for pushing the OP in to begin with. She was wrong to do it, too. But that doesn't make it acceptable for the OP to push the girl in. And just because there were others around to help the girl doesn't make it okay, either. And it is ESPECIALLY not okay to laugh at a girl who is drowning in front of you - it's pretty clear when someone cannot swim once they hit the water. This isn't "teaching a kid a lesson," it's a grown person acting inappropriately in a way that could scar a child for life. Was the kid right? Nope. That doesn't make the OP's actions right.

amynicol 0

I'm just gonna say it, but that girl deserved it. Don't you feel bad at all. If someone is going to push someone into the water as a joke, they better not get mad if it happens to them as well, or just don't be stupid enough to do something to one person that you're not ready to have done to yourself. Besides, if she doesn't know how to swim, it's about time she learned. jaja

#111, you are an idiot. how did that little bitch know the OP could swim?!?! and if she didnt know, ill bet she'd push her in anyways because kids are assholes little girl deserves to be scarred for life.

ohhhhshizzz 0

#33: yeah because LOL is an acronym you don't say lohl, you say EL OH EL. idiot.

As much as it sucks that she got pushed and couldn't swim and could have drowned, her dumbass shouldn't have pushed you in the first place. If she wanted to mess with people by doing that and she should've expected some sort of retaliation on your part, I mean what were you supposed to do, act like that was ok? Your friend's sis sounds like a little brat, and I hope this served as a valuable lesson to her, because what if YOU couldn't swim either! Now she knows how it feels. Screw children.

ohhhhshizzz 0

#129: shut the **** up, seriously. You sound dumb. The OP was probably like 16 and the "little girl" probably 11 or 12. Its a pool party SHE was at so it had to be some of the same age. So really shut up. And no it isn't clear, the girl could have been doing that because she was pissed. The Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. For every action there is a reaction. Karma. etc. etc, either way the little brat should have expected a reaction. And it is the 'rents fault too, why would you let your kid near a pool at a pool party if they can't swim. That is just idiotic.